Autumn was nominated for "Girl of the Year" at Windsor Middle School. She also recieved "Best in Strings" (viola) and "Best in Language Arts". She has a lot of friends and is an influence for good in her class. She will be in the Honors core in High School and is joining the debate team and the volley ball team. She teaches piano, violin, and viola but will be dropping some students to play volleyball...choices choices choices....and all good.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Autumn promotes from 8th grade to High School!
Autumn was nominated for "Girl of the Year" at Windsor Middle School. She also recieved "Best in Strings" (viola) and "Best in Language Arts". She has a lot of friends and is an influence for good in her class. She will be in the Honors core in High School and is joining the debate team and the volley ball team. She teaches piano, violin, and viola but will be dropping some students to play volleyball...choices choices choices....and all good.
Have you seen my kids lately?
stopped doing photo albums. I rarely have time to blog so I'm not getting them up here AND they just sit on my computer in the thousands now...quite daunting. So today I'm eating the elephant one bite at a time. These three bites are little snatches of the joy in my life. Bite one. Spring and Autumn dressing the boys up just for fun!
Bite two. We went to San Francisco to Matt and Danielle's baby blessing and took this photo in the nursery because we don't have a family picture with Amie in it. And bite three is when I took Spring and her best friend out of school for her birthday and we got her ears pierced (family rule-age 12), got her contacts, and took her on a clothes shopping spree. WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Spring is a buzzy bee hive now and loves to go to YM/YW with Autumn and gets to go to girls camp. YAHOOO!!