Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hardly ever get on this blog, but I hope to do more of that as time goes on. It's a New Year's goal.
I am so greatful as I pass into 2010. I have a healthy family, a clean organized house (generally speaking of course), my yard is manageable, I have loyal friends and family members who love me. My enemies are at bay and life is GOOD! I have only God to thank for this. I pledged my life to him long ago, but every day I pray that he will use me to further his kingdom, and that I will feel those promptings and DO them! (I often get the's the action I tend to fall short on)
I hope all of you who check this blog have a great new YEAR and that come what may with our country that we are found on the front lines defending GOD and FAMILY and the CONSTITUTION!!!