Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cub Scout Camp!

Ah what a summer Ephraim has had. Space camp, Drama Camp, Two Different Vacation Bible School Camps, Real Camping three times with Mom, Mandarin class, Spanish class, and Cub Scout Camp!! Whoo Hoo. This is Ephraim's first year as a scout. He joined in June. As you can see by the photos he's happy to be here.

Fiddler on the Roof!

Autumn (Golde), Spring (Hodel), Ben (Perchik), and Ephraim (jewish son and Russian soldier) all got to participate in my Windsor Performing Arts Academy this Summer. We did Fiddler on the Roof and received MUCH applause from the community. There were letters to the editor in the paper, personal letters to the company, e-mails, phone calls, etc. All saying what a professional and fantastic job everyone did. I was quite pleased. This is the third production in a year. We're growing and people are finding out that there is incredible talent in our little town.