Monday, March 3, 2025

There and Back Again Week 18

Did I mention I was the oldest of eight kids? I have five younger sisters and two younger brothers. I would say "little" sisters and brothers, but I'm the shortest All of my siblings are wonderous people and have cool talents and have been through hell and back a few times and are still kicking it in life. I'm very amazed at them. My youngest sister, Ali, is a movie producer with her husband. They recently submitted one of their movies to an Indie Film Festival.
My daughter, Spring, and my son-in-law, Calen attended this event last Friday. They are here posing with my sister Ali who ALSO acted in the movie as the main character. The movie is called "Recipe For Love". It's a Rom-Com. At the Film Festival they won:Audience Choice, 3rd Place overall feature film, AND Ali won BEST production design. We were all thrilled for her.
Here's the trailer! Then we watched another GREAT movie about religious freedom in Germany (well....NOT religious Freedom) It's a true story and worth investigating. It made me feel that I need to be more proactive about protect religious freedom of all people. The next night Elder Cullen and I were able to zoom our home stake's Young Artist Festival. It was planned and executed as a senior project by a Windsor High School Senior. WE LOVE supporting the youth in our community and were happy to watch and rejoice in their talent and fun spirit.
Watching inspiring, informative and uplifting shows can really influence our lives! Although we were too far away to take part in the Indie Festival and Young Artist Festival, we were still able to support the people we love through virtual means, and modern technology! I am SO grateful for this. A thought came to me as we tried to show love to our far away loved ones. God is SO awesome that he connects with us whereever we are, intervene on our behalf when needed, send tangible love and resources and volunteers when needed...So although we can't see Him, he's always "online" and reachable and never out of range. I love the thought that I have constant access to Him and he never hangs up or disconnects. I might, but He never does.