This is the first attempt at making the family newsletter on a blogspot! I hope it works. If you'd rather NOT receive the family newsletter by mail because you will faithfully watch this spot then e-mail me and say so! If you are wondering who these handsome men are....check it out. They do dishes! One is taken (my Reg) the other is still available (Nick Perona)
Glad to see that you have entered the blogosphere! We look forward to seeing your posts. We also like to get the hard copy as we have kept all the past issues of the family newsletter, and it makes a wonderful journal of family events.Thanks for all your efforts. We love and miss you all. Tell Autumn to invite us into her blog so we can see it. Our blog user name is kseable@yahoo.com.
Is that all you got???? xoxojojo
Heather! Hello! We need more information from the Cullen Clan. Let's see pictures of your cutie patuties! I knonw you are doing tons, I want to hear about it. I love you baby! Love, Kiss
Hey I just found this via Sarah's blog!! Glad you finally took the plunge into the blogoshere. :-) You can probably drop all the Olsons off the mailing list. We've been getting all our extended family info via blogs & think it's great. But thank you for filling the gap for so many years with your faithful writings & mailings!
Hey, you haven't posted in forever!
Is your last name Cullen or somthing?
In the book Twilight there is a family with the name Cullen and kids at school call them the Cullen Clan!
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