Just the thought of Grandma Melba makes a warm feeling well up inside of me. I remember special birthdays at her house during summer vacation. In particular I remember a cool cake with plastic animals on it. I remember camping with her and Grandpa. I loved her nails. She hasn’t aged a bit!! She looks like she has always looked, beautiful. I remember when she took us to the Enchanted Forest. I remember she took us to see the sea lions. I remember how Nathan and Adam drove her crazy and made her laugh. I remember how she loved me and was proud of me. I remember how she never missed a birthday then there got to be too many grandkids for her to keep up. I remember her wonderful stories of her life that she dutifully typed up for me for the family newsletter. She was always so supportive. I remember visiting her with my own family and we went to see Grandpa’s tree. It was special. I remember flying up to Portland and dropping in unannounced and without children! She was playing cards or something with her friends. Boy was she surprised. We went out to eat. I loved my special time with her. I remember her wonderful example of service. Her youthful outlook, her sense of humor, her faith in Christ. I am so glad she was born to be a blessing in my life. Happy Birthday Melba!!!
Wonderful and so true- what a woman she is! I am sure you remember the most out of us all- I remember a lot too and really appreciate her.
Ditto! Heather, it was soooo fun having you and your family up north for Easter. I loved it!
She made a picnic lunch for me and Jerry that I will never forget. About twenty sandwinches, salads, drinks, chips. We did our best. She was a great Granny to me. I owe my backup carreer as the fat man in the circus to her. Love ya Grandma Melba.
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