Well, if I get to this blog 4 times this year, I'll make my new years resolution! HAHAHAH.
I just have to say, I am SO glad I married the little boy pictured above. Of course he was 39 when we married, BUT that little boy is still in that adult body. If it weren't for Reg I just couldn't do the stuff I'm doing. He comes home from work early and takes Ben and Ephraim to baseball practices and games. He takes Ephraim to Gymnastics, He drives Autumn to her Junior college orchestra practices at 7pm on Thursday nights and hangs out down there until 10pm when it's over just because I wake up at 5am every morning to walk 4.5 miles with my girlfriends (it takes us 55min). He volunteers to do this, I don't have to beg, nag, or bribe. He drove our float for the 4th time in the Windsor Day Parade. I had both of my business there, the children's community choir float followed by the Windsor Performing Arts Academy Banner and troupe. We're doing Fiddler on the Roof this year so we had a fiddler walking along with us and fiddling songs from the play. The actors all had black hats on with bottles glued to the top and were wearing their Black Fiddler on the Roof T-Shirts which looked VERY spiffy. Every once in a while the choir float would stop and we'd sing "Tradition" very loudly to orchestrated music while the Troupe would dance. The Audience LOVED IT!!!! Ephraim saw his best friend in the audience while he was singing on the float. As soon as we passed the judges he jumped off and ran to Cade and Cade's mother..she offered to keep him for the afternoon because they play so well together....how could I refuse?! After the parade we zoomed home and Reg took Ben to his baseball game..which he won. We took down and demolished the float and cleaned the trailer (Hay is very messy!!)...THEN I took Spring to a concert she was in (she plays cello) and gave rides to two of her friends. On the way I dropped Autumn off at her string quartet practice, they have a 2 hour gig of just THEM at the "fancy pants" garden tour next week. (So does my choir, we're the two hour block after them.) After dropping the kids off and dropping off the trailer from where it was borrowed I came home and took a 4 hour nap. Ahhhhhh. When I awoke I discovered that Ben and Spring had come home and left with Reg to do a 20 mile bike ride...COOL! I love that man. Autumn was home so we went and set up the near by Methodist Church for our music recital which was at 6:30 that evening. I picked up Ephraim from Cade's and cleaned him up. He performed SO well! All the kids did. We had 29 participants, all students of Autumn, Spring, Ben and mine. About 5 of our students couldn't be in it that night. The recital was lovely, the parents all proud and gleeful. I think one parent summed it up, with tears in her eyes she said, "I feel like I've found the most valuable gem in Windsor...you and your family!". It was heartfelt and appreciated. Reg filmed the recital, ran around buying last minute stuff and helped clean up afterwards then took off with Spring and Autumn to get last minute items for Mother's Day!
What would I do without Reg?! I wouldn't be able to do much. I LOVE him dearly for his willingness to serve, his patience with all the stuff that is always happening at our house...he's a quiet fellow...Not too keen on crowds, but that is what he finds at home. He was telling a friend that the other day he came home from work and there was a piano lesson going on in the front room, math tutoring in the kitchen, a cello lesson in Ben's room, a violin lesson in the classroom, he just went to the bedroom, out the back slider, back around to the front and drove to the Library!!! ahhahahaha!!! Good coping skills! Anyway, Reg is the best gift I've ever gotten from God and my four children are too!
Lovely post, Heather. And you do have a wonderful family!
HAHA! I think I forgot to breathe while reading that. So busy! (= Can I rub your head for luck? xo
Beautiful! Many talents, lots of fun! Great to see you posting. I have to agree with Jo, whew-take a breath, I think as the mother of all that work and busyness I would have taken more than a 4 hour nap, ha ha ha. Good times and fun memories. Love you sweetie!
Good to hear from you on!! I knew there had to be more then just not watching TV that gave you the kind of hours in a day you have!!! Reg is the key!! :)
You and Reg are giving your children so many wonderful experiences and chances to serve. Thanks to the both of you! We love you and the children.
Hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing Mother's Day!
Wheeeewwwwww!!!!! I got overwhelmed and a little anxious just reading your post! You are amazing and therefore your family is amazing!
Ah hah! I always wondered why your boys looked so much like Adam; now I know...Reg and Adam look a lot a like, as little boys anyway. Heather, I love your life! I want you to adopt me. :-)
Looking at that cute photo of Reg as a little boy TOTALLY looks like Ephraim and I can also see Ben a bit too. Very fun to see genetics in action!
This is great, Heather! Reg is a great guy with a great vibe. I like to hear about happy families. Your house is amazing. When your kids are cleaning and singing--it's like watching a Disney movie!!! All you need are birds and bunnies dancing along with them!
I don't know how you do it all!
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