Saturday, February 22, 2025

There and Back Again Week 17

One of my younger sisters sent me this photo (I have five younger sisters). She was going through boxes of papers and found it. What is amazing to me is that Elder Cullen and I were not even thinking about dating each other at this time. It was a few weeks before his baptism and 11 months before our temple wedding and sealing. I had forgotten about this. Elder Cullen (Reg) was just a friend at work that I had invited to our Christmas Caroling because he had no family in the area and I didn't want him to feel lonely during the holiday season. On Jan 23, 1993 he made baptismal covenants with Jesus Christ, to take upon him the name of Jesus Christ, to obey his commandments, and to stand as a witness of Christ. He began to glow with a joy and peace that made people at work Reg in LOVE? I laughed and replied, "No, he's just found out he's literally a child of God." They shook their heads. I remember trying to set him up with at least two of my older cousins and another friend. It was one of those "Yenta" moments that backfired in May when he told me to stop trying to set him up with these other women because he was in love with me! I was shocked. We had spent so much time together while I mined him for his likes and dislikes and feelings about this and that so I could tell the other girls how wonderful he was. It had caused him to fall in love with me. He's 12 years older than me so he wasn't even on my radar for myself. What a blessing he has been in my life!
Looking at that letter and thinking of the time line that quickly followed...June of 1993 we were engaged, December 1993 sealed for time and eternity in the Oakland temple,
September 1994 Autumn is born...whoosh three more children: Spring, Benjamin, Ephraim...whoosh they all leave home...whoosh we're retired and old and chubby and serving a mission together. All because of an invitation. Just imagine...what wonderful and joyfull things can come into your life if you accept the invitation to come join the family of Jesus Christ through baptismal covenants. Come see that when you give your life to Christ he can make much more of it than you can even imagine!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Parable of the Clogged Drain

One day our boss gathered us for a meeting and said, "I'm not blaming anyone for this. I didn't even know about it myself" that was a scary start. I could feel my eyes widdening. "I was just notified that our industrial clothes washer drain backed up and flooded the office down stairs. Apparently we're supposed to be cleaning the filter once a week. I didn't even know there was a filter!" We were astounded. Our boss had only been here a month and the rest of us had only been here two or three months. FUNNY how physics does it's physics things without regard for ignorance or mercy for being new on the job. Last week my daughter, Autumn, called to tell me a tale of WOE! Her washing machine drain had backed up and flooded her basement! The walls and floor were damaged and tons of clean up was needed. AGAIN, physics did it's physics thing. It didn't matter to the laws of nature that she also didn't know about drain filters, or that she was at the tail end of a terrible flu, or that she had two young children, or that she had company from out of town coming the next day, or a billion other things going on. NO MERCY from physics...just natural consequences. I pondered on these two incidences. I am a chemist, I love physics, and until now I did not see physics as an unfeeling tyrant, but here it was wreeking havoc in my daughter's life. I reflected on the scripture Alma 42:25 "What, do ye suppose that mercy can rob justice? I say unto you, Nay; not one whit. If so, God would cease to be God. 26 And thus God bringeth about his great and eternal purposes, which were prepared from the foundation of the world. And thus cometh about the salvation and the redemption of men, and also their destruction and misery." There are laws of Justice that GOD must obey or He will cease to be God. Like the clogged drain, when we sin even unknowingly it causes clogs in our lives. Each selfish, self defeating, or unkind act is like a hair, a string, or a chunk of something that doesn't seem to impact anything at the moment, but over time causes physical, emotional or spiritual flooding in our lives.
It's a law of Nature. Thank Heaven for Jesus Christ who, through the atonement, has provided a FILTER! HIS commandments are like a filter in the life drain. Each commandment is a wire in the filter that catches particles and through daily and weekly repentance we can clear that filter and keep our deeper drains clear and open. Because Christ accomplished His mission of doing His Father's will, he is able to provide MERCY and step between us and the LAW IF we choose Him. I invite you to choose Christ and though you will continue to make mistakes, your life will flow more smoothly as you repent and keep His commandments.

There and Back Again: Week 16

Elder Cullen has had a bit of a shift in his assignment. He is taking a pause in carpentry, and now using his Civil Engineering skills to help Historic Nauvoo be more ADA compatible with regard to their sidewalks. It's a wonderful thing for him. He was promised in a special blessing 30 years ago that he would go on a full time mission and use his engineering skills to share the gospel. How does being ADA compatible "share" the gospel of Jesus Christ? Everything we do here to make people feel loved, welcomed, and accomodated for brings a spirit of peace. When we feel loved and at peace we are more open to hearing the spirit of God testify to us of what is true and what is not true. Nauvoo is where many revelations were received and where the doctrine of eternal families was restored. We can live together forever with our families through temple covenants. The priesthood of God, the authority to act in His name has been restored. When you come to visit Nauvoo and see what these early saints sacrificed to show their devotion to Jesus Christ you can't help but be moved by their testimonies. On the lighter side, I made a silly music video about all the pickets Elder Cullen has helped to make in the Carpentry Shop. enjoy

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Death on the Mississippi (Well Almost)

Our little Nauvoo Pearl of Great Price did her FIRST BIG job. Hauling all the decorations, Cooking tools, and food to and from the Exodus Event. She did well! Unfortuneately I did not do as well. Sunday afternoon I began to feel heavy and ill in my chest and head and by the middle of the night was engulfed in fever and confusion like I have not experienced in decades! It was rather symbolic as so many of the pioneers fell dreadfully ill during the exodus back in 1846! Unlike them, I had the luxery of a cozy, dry, warm bed.
Two days later Elder Cullen hauled me to Carthage where I was tested and found negative for Influenza and COVID, having an ear ached in the ear that didn't hurt, but no ear ache in the ear that did hurt, was told my lungs were clear even as I hucked thick wads of goo and eventually passed out in the chair. LOL I was a mess. I was given a cough suppressent so I could sleep and antibiotics just in case the infection went into my lungs and sent on my merry way. I was "dead" to the world for six days and recovered just in time to go to church the following Sunday and give a talk and sing a duet. Elder Cullen started to go down on Friday but was fine by Sunday. It was an asked for miracle.
And life continues to crush and amaze us as we focus on Christ.

There and Back Again: Week 15 (14 skipped)

A week ago last Saturday, was the highly anticipated Nauvoo Exodus Commemeration walk! My daughter, Autumn, from Iowa City and one of her sons (Emmet age 7) came. Unfortuneately her 2 year old Taran was very sick and stayed home with daddy Aaron. My Son, Ben, from Kansas City, MO and his sweet wife, Courtnie, and little Wells also came. We got an air BNB so everyone could have their space to play and rest. It was two blocks from our apt.
I really felt my prayers had been answered, the weather was "warm" at 35 degrees and sunny. People enjoyed the breakfast Elder Cullen and I planned with our crew and it was beautiful and delicious. (the warmers kept tripping the cicuits and that was stressful but not enough to ruin it) The Lord blessed us even in our trials and everyone was fed.
It filled me with joy to see my children teaching their children about our ancestors.
Emmet walked for a relative who was about his age when Joseph Smith was assasinated. This little boy and his father helped to bring Joseph's body back from Carthage. After the walk was over, We cleaned up and I babysat Emmet and Wells as the rest of the kids went to the Temple with Elder Cullen to do sealings for his side of the family and my side as well.
I would have LOVED to have been there with them as they sealed husbands to wives for all eternity and children to their parents for all eternity, but it gave me greater joy knowing that my children were together in the temple with their amazing father doing work for their dead. It was a very very wonderful day and full of family on both sides of the veil.