Saturday, February 15, 2025
The Parable of the Clogged Drain
One day our boss gathered us for a meeting and said, "I'm not blaming anyone for this. I didn't even know about it myself" that was a scary start. I could feel my eyes widdening. "I was just notified that our industrial clothes washer drain backed up and flooded the office down stairs. Apparently we're supposed to be cleaning the filter once a week. I didn't even know there was a filter!" We were astounded. Our boss had only been here a month and the rest of us had only been here two or three months. FUNNY how physics does it's physics things without regard for ignorance or mercy for being new on the job.
Last week my daughter, Autumn, called to tell me a tale of WOE! Her washing machine drain had backed up and flooded her basement! The walls and floor were damaged and tons of clean up was needed. AGAIN, physics did it's physics thing. It didn't matter to the laws of nature that she also didn't know about drain filters, or that she was at the tail end of a terrible flu, or that she had two young children, or that she had company from out of town coming the next day, or a billion other things going on. NO MERCY from physics...just natural consequences.
I pondered on these two incidences. I am a chemist, I love physics, and until now I did not see physics as an unfeeling tyrant, but here it was wreeking havoc in my daughter's life. I reflected on the scripture Alma 42:25 "What, do ye suppose that mercy can rob justice? I say unto you, Nay; not one whit. If so, God would cease to be God.
26 And thus God bringeth about his great and eternal purposes, which were prepared from the foundation of the world. And thus cometh about the salvation and the redemption of men, and also their destruction and misery." There are laws of Justice that GOD must obey or He will cease to be God. Like the clogged drain, when we sin even unknowingly it causes clogs in our lives. Each selfish, self defeating, or unkind act is like a hair, a string, or a chunk of something that doesn't seem to impact anything at the moment, but over time causes physical, emotional or spiritual flooding in our lives.
It's a law of Nature.
Thank Heaven for Jesus Christ who, through the atonement, has provided a FILTER! HIS commandments are like a filter in the life drain. Each commandment is a wire in the filter that catches particles and through daily and weekly repentance we can clear that filter and keep our deeper drains clear and open. Because Christ accomplished His mission of doing His Father's will, he is able to provide MERCY and step between us and the LAW IF we choose Him. I invite you to choose Christ and though you will continue to make mistakes, your life will flow more smoothly as you repent and keep His commandments.
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