Saturday, February 22, 2025

There and Back Again Week 17

One of my younger sisters sent me this photo (I have five younger sisters). She was going through boxes of papers and found it. What is amazing to me is that Elder Cullen and I were not even thinking about dating each other at this time. It was a few weeks before his baptism and 11 months before our temple wedding and sealing. I had forgotten about this. Elder Cullen (Reg) was just a friend at work that I had invited to our Christmas Caroling because he had no family in the area and I didn't want him to feel lonely during the holiday season. On Jan 23, 1993 he made baptismal covenants with Jesus Christ, to take upon him the name of Jesus Christ, to obey his commandments, and to stand as a witness of Christ. He began to glow with a joy and peace that made people at work Reg in LOVE? I laughed and replied, "No, he's just found out he's literally a child of God." They shook their heads. I remember trying to set him up with at least two of my older cousins and another friend. It was one of those "Yenta" moments that backfired in May when he told me to stop trying to set him up with these other women because he was in love with me! I was shocked. We had spent so much time together while I mined him for his likes and dislikes and feelings about this and that so I could tell the other girls how wonderful he was. It had caused him to fall in love with me. He's 12 years older than me so he wasn't even on my radar for myself. What a blessing he has been in my life!
Looking at that letter and thinking of the time line that quickly followed...June of 1993 we were engaged, December 1993 sealed for time and eternity in the Oakland temple,
September 1994 Autumn is born...whoosh three more children: Spring, Benjamin, Ephraim...whoosh they all leave home...whoosh we're retired and old and chubby and serving a mission together. All because of an invitation. Just imagine...what wonderful and joyfull things can come into your life if you accept the invitation to come join the family of Jesus Christ through baptismal covenants. Come see that when you give your life to Christ he can make much more of it than you can even imagine!


Kathleen and Stephan Seable said...

Yes, it was a blessing when Reg came into our lives. Love you two!💕

MomladyHeather said...

You're his favorites!